Share all training including GOOGLE DOCS across Asks

It's CRITICAL we believe to be able to have the same training materials for multiple AskAIs. Currently Google Docs - a vital training source - can only be used on one AskAI per account.

Here's why:

We're setting up 3 AskAIs for different situations. A 'live webinar' chat agent (v short answers) a general website chat (a more traditional use-case, fuller answers) and an assistant for our Customer Care team.
The thing is - all 3 need the same training - just different briefs on how to respond. BUT we've found only one of them can connect to the Google Drive folder where we've been gathering all the training materials. We've tried having text Gdocs be treated as a web page but no go. As a workaround we're now having to build a private website to populate with copies of the docs but really just want to use the existing connection to Gdocs from each of the Asks to select our AI Training folder. Any chance?

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πŸ’‘ Feature Request


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9 months ago


Seymour Segnit

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